When Tom moved away to England, we were afraid of what that would mean for the future of Beery Christmas! But of course we figured out a way to carry on the tradition. Summer and Suzanne came over to my house...
... and Ben set up a web cam for us in the living room! We video chatted Tom and Sara in. Beery Christmas has gone international!! We drank different beers on our different continents, but we drank them together.
Our first beer was a Trader Joe's Vintage Ale.
Summer showing our first beer to Tom and Sara.
An international toast!
Suz and Sum.
Hat switchery!
Next up, we had the 2009 edition of the Anchor Brewing Company Christmas Ale.
At one point we noticed that the way Tom was sitting made his beer look totally like a weiner.
So then Suzanne and Summer discussed how they could sit to make SUMMER'S beer look like a weiner.
There it is!!
Here's Tom showing us his next Beery Christmas selection, while Summer sits there with a beer weiner.
Tom notices Summer's beer weiner.
Next up in America, we have Southern Tier Cherry Saison.
Group photo!
Here I am showing Tom my new boots!
He rewarded us with a shot of his own leg. Hubba hubba!
Tom took his laptop around his house, so we could get a little tour of his new place, and it was neat when there was a reflection of us on his big window.
Our last beer was Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout.
The official 2009 lineup. They were all pretty delicious this year! The cherry was a little disappointing.
Rose, who is living in Korea this year, could not attend our live webcam Beery Christmas event because she was on a holiday vacation. But she certainly did participate in this year's holiday beer tasting! She tasted many beers while traveling, and submitted her report to be included in this year's Beery Christmas event! From Rose:
Beery Christmas and a Beery new year! While I missed the webcam beery christmas fun, I want you to know that I was drinking new beers nevertheless. While on vacation, I made a point of trying national/regional brews - nothing special, just the everyman beers, advertised on the canopies of market stalls and the backs of buses. Anghor is, of course, the Cambodian lager, cold and refreshing.
I also tried Anghor Stout, which had good, creamy stout flavor, and gave me a bit of a mustache, which we tried to capture in the picture.
Saigon is Vietnamese; I drank it after riding to the top of a mountain on the back of a motorcycle to watch the sun set over the rice fields of the Mekong. Again, the main selling point is, I was hot and dusty; the beer was cold and wet and oh-so-refreshing, especially when coupled with a spectacular view.
Singha is a beer I had in Thailand but I think it's just one of those generic Asian beers, not Thai. Honestly I don't remember how it was, but I'm sure I drank it down!
I drank the Tiger in Vietnam, but it's from Singapore. It was my favorite of the lot, has more of a bubbly, fermented taste, almost fruity but I wouldn't say that because I generally dislike fruity beers.
Of course none of this was as good as it would have been had you been there to enjoy it with me. I miss and love you betches, and wish you a happy 2010!!
UPDATE: February 13, 2020
Yumi had to miss out on Beery Christmas this year, because she had her wisdom teeth extracted and was in pain and on antibiotics that prevented her from drinking alcohol. Really unfortunate timing! She had already purchased a special beer in St. Louis for the occasion, so she saved it to bust out at a later date.
That later date was tonight. Meet O'Fallon Brewery Cherry Chocolate Beer:
This beer was DELICIOUS!! It ended up being perfect for Valentine's Day weekend! It tasted like chocolate covered cherries. ACTUALLY, it tasted almost exactly like a cherry TOOTSIE POP! Bottom line is, it was DELICIOUS. I think it's pretty safe to declare this beer the Most Delicious of Beery Christmas 2009. Thanks, Yumi!