Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Debut of the Journal

As part of a *major* redesign of my web site, I have decided to add a weblog. Wow, the first entry is hard... not only do I not know where to begin, but my kitties are in the hallway taking turns standing on top of and getting inside a big paper shopping bag, and it's making a lot of distracting noise!! On Saturday, I went to Columbus with Summer, Julie, and Rabecca. We shopped all day (I am the best shopper in the world. Period.) and then went to my cousin Nora's art opening, which was awesome! We got back to Athens at about 10:30. Julie and I headed up to The Union, and got a couple of beers. We sat there wondering where the heck everybody we know is until about 1:30 when we realized that, DUH, it's Open Doors Night at Casa, and that's where everybody must be. So we headed there and as expected, it was hot as HELL. There was a DJ playing fun music, tons of people dancing, and as usual, the front window was completely fogged up from so much heat. It was fun! Definitely more exciting than Friday night. I went over to Julie's and watched "Jawbreaker," which was AWFUL. blech.

Yesterday I went over to my sister's house because she went to IKEA in Pittsburgh on Saturday to buy ton of new furniture and she bought a surprise for Adam and I! She got us this awesome silver mod-looking chair. It's great! And she taught me how to make french bread and gave me a fresh loaf AND gave me the recipe for french toast! Which I've made flawlessly three times since then!! And I'm excited because she's getting rid of some of her old furniture, and I get to have the awesome fifties side table that my mom bought at a yard sale. I've wanted it ever since mom bought it —- the legs are turquoise, but the paint is chipping through to the yellow underneath, and the metal top is yellowish green and it has roses in the corners. I love it!

Today I went to aerobics for the first time since before winter break. OUCH! It was exhausting. But I have to keep reminding myself that after a few times I'll feel better overall — hopefully less tired all the time! And today before aerobics, Summer and I went to Ticketmaster and bought tickets to see The Breeders at the Magic Stick in Detroit in February. YAY! That's all I can say for my first entry. I have to make sure everything for my redesign debut is ready, upload it, and get my ass to bed.

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