Friday, November 29, 2002

Emma, Meet Emma!

It's been almost a month since I last wrote. November has been a pretty cool month so far! The most exciting thing was, the week after Halloween, I was the 97x pic of the week!!! This was super exciting. 97x is this really great radio station out of Oxford, Ohio, and I listen to it almost every day through the internet at work. On Halloween, they were asking people to call in with requests, and to let them know if they were wearing a costume. Of course, I emailed in a request, and included a pic of myself dressed as a bunny on my webcam. Here is what you would see if you clicked on the "97x pic of the week" link at Alas, I am no longer up, but it was great while it lasted.

Let's see, what else happened this month. Oh! I had fun visitors!!! Julie and Kelly came down the second weekend. We had a really great weekend. We did a lot of shopping (especially at Payless), and played games and cooked dinner and went to some bars. It was a fun time. The following weekend, Emma came to visit! And she finally got to meet kitty Emma! That was fun. Emma (girl Emma) and I went out to dinner, went to bars, watched movies, etc. Whee!! I'll try to remember to post pictures. The weekend after that, Rabecca had a birthday party at her house. The party was for Aryn and Dawn. It was a great party. I got to go in an outdoor hot tub for my first time EVER! That was really cool. There were a lot of us crammed in there. We all recently decided what we're going to do for New Years. A bunch of us, about 14 people, are going to rent out this huge cabin out in the country. There is a HUGE outdoor hot tub, so I'm really excited for that.

Thanksgiving was really fun! It was the smallest gathering we've had in a really long time, because my sister and her husband were visiting friends in San Francisco. So it was just Adam and I, and mom and dad.

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