Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Run, Kate, Run!

So, I just switched servers, which is why my site has been off and on for the past couple of days. All the files are on the new server now, and running smoothly so I'm back in action.

This was a good weekend, my friend Kara came down to stay with me, and a few other friends came into town too. Friday night before Kara arrived, Summer and I had dinner and a movie. We split a Trader Joe's Gorgonzola Pear frozen pizza and it was awesome. Delicious! We also had veggies and Mom's Marvelous Malibu Mango Mauis. The movie we watched was Mary Kate and Ashley's "When in Rome," to help psych Summer up for her upcoming trip to Italy!

Kara arrived that night and I met everyone out at the bar for a drink. The next morning I went to Parkersburg for some shopping. The goal was for Yumi to find a fun dress for her wedding reception but it didn't happen. We had a great time though, and yum! Olive Garden! Casa Nueva for dinner that night, then we went to see Joe play at The Donkey. He was awesome. Southeast Engine played too, it was a great show.

Sunday we had Casa for brunch (Casa two meals in a row, I'm the luckiest girl in the world!), then shopped uptown for awhile. Then I went grocery shopping and cleaned out the fridge. I started feeling exhausted, which I would find out on Monday was actually the beginning of a cold. It turned into a sore throat. Yuck.

I got my hair cut and colored last night, it's moving into spring and summer so it's time to bust out the fun colors. Pat, my hairdresser, got my hair REALLY bright red. It's fun! Adam's calling me Lola from Run, Lola, Run.

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