Sunday, May 22, 2005

Baby Goats!

This weekend, Jason and I headed to Bluffton, Ohio to visit Rose for a weekend of fun and relaxation. On the way, we stopped by the North Market in Columbus to see if Michelle was working at Jeni's Ice Cream. She was! So we got to say hi, and I got to experience my first visit to the Jeni's Ice Cream counter. We tasted tons of flavors, and got cones to take with us. We also got two pints of ice cream to bring to Rose's. Thai Chili, and Wild Blueberries & Lavender.

When we got to Rose's, we went outside right away to meet the goats! One of the goats had just given birth to two babies. They were only TWO days old. They were the tiniest, warmest, fuzziest little babies! I almost died from cuteness overload. We hung out with the babies for awhile, then ordered pizza and played some games. I bought a new game, Apples to Apples, and I highly recommend it!

On Saturday, we took the babies outside for their first time ever! It was TOO MUCH CUTENESS. That's for sure. They frolicked in the grass, investigated everything, and learned how to climb onto rocks! They were really wobbly at first, but they got the hang of it pretty fast. I have a video of them playing on the rocks. Check it out, if you can handle the cuteness.

That afternoon, our buddy Hyatt from high school came out to hang out with us. We hadn't seen him in YEARS! It was a gorgeous day. We played Apples to Apples on the dock, and then played croquet. Then we went out for Thai food! Yum! Afterward, Jason, Rose, J'amie and I played poker. The next day, Jason and I headed back to Athens. Of course, we couldn't resist stopping at Jeni's for one more ice cream cone.

Click here for photos.

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