Sunday, April 02, 2006

Akron Girl's Weekend!

This weekend we had a Girl's Weekend! The lovely Kara was our host. Friday night, we played Trivial Pursuit TV Edition from the 1980's, and Cranium. That Trivial Pursuit game was IMPOSSIBLE. But it was funny. Then we ordered a delicious pizza! And drank beer.

Saturday morning, we went to Dodie's for breakfast. It was delicious as usual! Then we did some shopping at Gabe's. After that we headed to Mrs. Ticklemore's at West Point Market for some tea. It was SUPER fancy. We each got our own tea pot and ordered a bunch of tiny tea treats. After tea we shopped around the market and I found Franziskaner! My favorite beer from San Francisco! I stocked UP! I can't wait to drink it.

Then it was time to head home for showers. We got ready and then headed to 69 Taps. 69 beers! On tap! I got to try one of my favorites, Bar Harbor Blueberry, on tap. They also had Wyder's Pear Cider, which I enjoyed in San Fran. Mmm, and Pyramid Apricot Ale! Kara had won a party there, so we used that and got $2 pints and free pizza.

Next up we went to House of Hunan. Anne and I split some sushi and it was delicious! Then we went to Thursday's for some fun and dancing. They were playing awesome music the whole night. Except it sucked when Beth went up to request Europe's Final Countdown for our group and the DJ was a big jerk about it and wouldn't play it.

It was a great night, and when we got back to Kara's we played Egyptian Rat Screw. The next morning we went to the Mustard Seed for breakfast. They have a natural foods buffet and it was AWESOME. I kept switching between breakfasty things and lunch things. Mmmm. What a weekend!

Click here for photos.

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