Sunday, August 27, 2006

Geraldine: Pure Bastard Rock

Today was a marathon fun day! First, Summer stopped by for lunch. Later, Alaina stopped by and I got to meet her baby, Benjamin! Then Linda picked me up and we went to the BioLife company picnic at Stroud's Run.

We had hot dogs and brownies, and watched little kids roll down the hill. They were trying to catch fish by making 'fish food', which had bread, cheese, corn chips and grass. Ha! They did not catch any.

Afterwards, Linda and I went out with her assistant manager Stephanie, and her husband George. It was a good time. Then we headed over to the Union to see Geraldine's last show. Tons of people were out, it was a super night! Again, lots more unicorn pegasuses.

Click here for photos.

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