Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Saint Patrick's Day RULED this year! It started off early in the morning, at 9:30. I headed up to Jacky O'Hooley's to meet Tom, Suzanne and Summer for a pint of Guinness. Of course, I ended up getting offered a free car bomb, which I can never resist.

After that, Ben and I made some DELICIOUS breakfast sandwiches, and then played Guitar Hero, where something TOTALLY WACK happened. You'll have to check out the pictures to see what it was.

Next, Rose and Suzanne joined us to head over to the day's Gravel Rouser after-race party, at which there was a keg of green beer. My favorite! It was Green Blue Moon, so, FANCY! With tons of oranges.

After that, Ben, Rose and I got some Avalanche pizza and played Guitar Hero. ROCKED Guitar Hero. It was a fantastic way to celebrate being Irish.

Click here for photos.

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