Click here for photos.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day
Click here for photos.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Euchre and Cheese Doodles
Tonight, Ben, Gina, Rose and I got together for some Euchre. I decided to bust out some cheese snacks to share with my guests. Then, Gina showed up with cheese snacks TOO!!! Moon sister! So funny. Gina brought puffy Conn's Cheese Curls (although they weren't curly at all, as Ben pointed out, they should have been called "Cheese Logs" or "Cheese Tubes"), and I had baked crunchy Cheetos!
Gina is overwhelmed by all the delicious cheese doodle options!
Mmm, cheeeeeeeeesy..
My cheese snacks had an additional fun bonus! They had extra chemicals that would turn your tongue Shrek Green, as Rose demonstrates:
Me! GROSS! But delicious.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Leighanna's Bridal Shower
Click here for photos.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Senior Follies 2007
Tonight was Senior Follies 2007! Ben, Vana, and I headed to Athens High School to see Kayla perform!
The Senior Band:
The Senior Girls Dance:
Look, it's Kayla!!
Time for some family portraits outside the high school.
The End! Congrats to Kayla on graduating!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Little Visit to Columbus
Meredith, Atira and I headed up to Columbus for a quick day trip today. First stop, Northstar Cafe, where I had a delicious ginger mojito. We were suspicious that the dude didn't give us any mojo, though. Boo.
We ALL ordered the Northstar Veggie Burger. It's so good you pretty much have to just order it.
Mmmmmmmm! Those pickles were the best, by the way.
After dinner, we headed to the Chop Chop Gallery to watch "Plan F," a documentary about Edward Marko, a blind car mechanic and good friend of Craig's.
Atira and Michelle, ready to watch the show!
The End! The documentary was really good! Check it out if you get a chance.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Creme Brulee
Tonight we had a dinner over at Yumi's! We each brought a different dish, and Nancy brought creme brulee. The best part was that we got to torch our own brulees! Fun! FIRE!
We tried different kinds of sugar on each of them. They were ALL delicious.
Easter Emma
So, Emma has been wanting so badly to get into my empty easter basket since easter. Every time she tries, she gives up pretty quickly because she is not small enough to fit!! Well, this morning was a different story. She just kept trying until her entire body was crammed in there.
The funniest thing about cats is how they will lay in things way too small for them even though it is totally obvious that they are not comfortable at ALL. Not comfortable:
Ben wanted to see if she would mind if he picked her up!
She did not mind at all, so we did a modeling shoot!
Look how NOT comfortable:
Trying to figure out a way where she can fit both her front and her back halves completely inside the basket.
Uh oh, here comes trouble.
Emma's like "What? I totally fit!"
Friday, May 18, 2007
Beer Garden
This weekend is the Hock Hocking Music Festival. Tom, Gina, Ben and I volunteered to work in the beer garden from 7-11 on Friday night! Can you say FUN? We got to serve (and drink) beer from the following delicious breweries: Mariette Brewing Company, Columbus Brewing Company, and Jackie O's Brewery. Look at the pretty lights!
We were having a blast! Me and Gina!
Dance party!
Tom and Gina!
This guy was the best. First of all, we had to cut him off. No more beer for him. Then he told us all he was bisexual and announced the order in which he would choose to do us. I was first! La la! Here he is with Tom, his #3 choice:
Friday, May 11, 2007
Spring Flowers
Today I parked in the lower lot when I got to work. When I walked up the hill, I noticed these trees were blooming the coolest flowers! They were so light and fluffy and smelled so good.
The petals were sprinkling down onto the sidewalk, so I couldn't resist taking a detour to walk underneath them.
So light and fluffy!
Then when I got closer to my building, the smell of lilacs hit me. Those, too, were gorgeous in the morning sunshine.
I sure do love spring!