Sunday, May 27, 2007

Euchre and Cheese Doodles

Tonight, Ben, Gina, Rose and I got together for some Euchre. I decided to bust out some cheese snacks to share with my guests. Then, Gina showed up with cheese snacks TOO!!! Moon sister! So funny. Gina brought puffy Conn's Cheese Curls (although they weren't curly at all, as Ben pointed out, they should have been called "Cheese Logs" or "Cheese Tubes"), and I had baked crunchy Cheetos!

Gina is overwhelmed by all the delicious cheese doodle options!

Mmm, cheeeeeeeeesy..

My cheese snacks had an additional fun bonus! They had extra chemicals that would turn your tongue Shrek Green, as Rose demonstrates:




Me! GROSS! But delicious.

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