Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dinner at Summer's

Summer had the FANCIEST dinner party! Check out the menu!

I tried to get some photos of their turtle, Joey.

Summer going over the details of the dinner with us.

Let's eat!

Mixed greens salad and honey orange dressing, with watermelon, gorgonzola, and walnuts. Also, chilled mexican lime tomato soup.

For the main course, rum-glazed shrimp and mango skewers, bourbon beef tenderloin, tequila BBQ beef tenderloin, and potatoes and green beans with fresh pesto.

And for dessert, peaches, italian amaretti, and amaretto whipped cream.

AND strawberries, archway ginger snaps and vanilla whipped cream.

Suzanne took this still life.

Summer made me a "perfect manhattan." it was WICKED strong. So good.

Look! An Adidas lemon!

Summer cutting up the leftover meat.

Summer and I like our meat to be BLOODY rare.

Here are some pieces she seared extra for those not as carnivorous as us.

Look at that pretty sunset!

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