Saturday, August 18, 2007

Moving Day

Today is the day that I moved out of my apartment and into Ben's house! I had a lot of helpers: Ben, Justin, Elliot and Tom. Tom and I shared the U-haul, and we all helped him move later that afternoon. Twins!

I will not miss these stairs. Not at all, not one bit.

There's the U-haul!

Justin and Tom loading up my truck.

Eek, I have a lot of stuff!

There is all my stuff!

Look at how trippy the U-haul was:

Mom hooked us up with an AWESOME lunch! It was delicious. Thanks, Mom!

After we unloaded the truck at my house, we headed over to Tom's house. Here's Ben, Justin, Elliot and Tom after moving the piano into the truck. It was terrifying to watch. I weighs like a billion pounds!

Unloading into Tom's new place! Elliot plays the piano in the truck.

Living room!


"Second bedroom" although only a baby could call it a bedroom? Total false advertising!



Back yard, where we enjoyed a few well-deserved beers.

Ben playing on the truck, as Elliot plays some tunes.

Ben and Elliot playing "Garbage Men!"

Ben sliding down the U-haul ramp. Whee!

Time to move the piano into the house. SO HEAVY!

And, it's in! Before/after pictures of the house project coming soon!

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