Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving #2

Since Ben and I are the LUCKIEST EVER, we got to have Thanksgiving twice this year! Ben's mom cooked on Friday. YES!! When we pulled up to park at her house, LOOK how pretty it was outside:

Moss and Ben showing off their plates!


After dinner, we headed to Hockingport so we could see Cheryl's new river house! It's right on the river. Look, there's Ben by the water!

Daydreaming of boating and seagulls:

There was an odd assortment of mugs (note the kitten with hearts mug in the background) at the house, and Vana quickly noticed the mispelling on this one:

Great Smoky Mountians. HAHAHAHAH!!!! All night everyone kept talking about how we should go visit the Great Smoky Mount-ee-ans. THE END! Happy Thanksgiving, INDEED!

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