Friday, April 18, 2008

Mer's Farewell Luncheon

Mer decided that she was going to stay at home and be a full-time mom, so we had a going away luncheon for her here at NBIA. There she is with Stephani and Baby K8! Who WOULDN'T want to stay home with that little pie of cuteness?

Dishing up!

Me, Leah and TJ!

Tom standing in front of his office window.

Tom, Corinne and Leah!

LUNCH! Atira catered it, so we knew it was going to be delicious. We had thai chicken pasta, roasted veggies, rolls and cream puffs.

Annie, TJ, Mary Ann and Megan!

Linda, Tom, Stephani and Danni!

Mer and Baby Kate!

Kate was super interested in Mer's goodbye card.

We provided her with several things to drool on. My camera case!

Randy's watch!

Time to head back inside. There is Tom from inside his office window, with Lambanana!

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