Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Week of Anne: Day Two

Tonight we grilled pizzas! We also had salad.

Oh, also it was a FANCY night. We had wine!

For dessert, we tried a new grill experiment. Grilled s'mores!!! We made little individual s'mores packets in foil.

We also had a Hostess Apple Pie, because there was a pile of just-expired ones on the table here at work, and I snagged one.

Ready to take them out to the grill! Apparently, carrying a tray of s'mores makes me look like an insane person.

We put the grill on between low and medium, and left them in there for about four minutes. They turned out melty and perfect!!

Chocolate lips!

Chowing down!

Melty chocolate face kiss!

The pie took a couple extra minutes. It turned out awesome too!

Charlie is lucky that we had a large bag of marshmallows, because if we had run out of them and gotten desperate, we might have had to throw HIS little marshmallows on the barbie!

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