Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cooking Club at the Taj Mahal

Summer hosted this month's cooking club, and transformed her house into the Taj Mahal!

We started with a delicious little samosa that Yumi made. Pictured here with my raita.

Suzanne also utilized the deep fryer, to make fried zucchini and fried avocado! The fried avocado was like puffy little clouds.

Yumi's samosa pictured with the three condiments that I made. Raita, mango and mint chutney, and red onion and tomato salad.

Summer's Fragrant Butterflied Shrimp.

Valerie's magnificent Indian-Spiced Stuffed Cauliflower.

Summer teling us about her chicken biryani.

Look at that biryani!

Valerie slices into the stuffed cauliflower.

It really is magnificent!

YUM! Look at all that goodness it is stuffed with!

Yay, time to feast!

Lucky us!

After dinner we played Foodie Fight. Team photos!



Mmm, dessert! Nancy made coconut butter cake with ginger ice milk.

Then we had a dance party!

Finally, we got to sample the beer that Yumi had intended to bring to Beery Christmas 2009!

Video of a pasta discussion:

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