Saturday, June 05, 2010


Tonight we had Mom and Dad over for grilled pizzas. I made four different kinds! Pepperoni, black olive, banana pepper and onion; sausage, green pepper and onion; tomato, goat cheese and basil; pear and gorgonzola. All of them were great. I think the pear/gorgonzola was the winner though.

After dinner, we refreshed Mom and Dad on how to play euchre. They hadn't played in like seventeen years! It came back to them SUPER fast though. I'm so excited that they're into playing again because it's always great to have people to play with.

Now I want to tell a story about pizza.

Back in March, I was over at Mom and Dad's house. I was ordering pizzas for us to have for dinner, and I called Avalanche Pizza. I called from my mom's land line, and they said, "Will this be going to Briarwood Avenue?" and I said "uh, no!?" and gave them my mom's address.

After I got off the phone, I was like, "HOW DID THEY KNOW IT WAS ME CALLING??? AND WHERE I LIVE???" And got all weirded out like, do they have VOICE RECOGNITION SOFTWARE???! I had to call back and ask, it was just too weird. The girl who took my order laughed and said that probably whoever ordered from Mom's house last night had wanted the pizzas delivered to my house (totally probable).

Anyway, I was telling Billie this story at Jackie O's a couple of days later, and by that point a couple of other weird coincidences had happened, and she was like, "What if the universe can HEAR YOU?" and so I looked up into the sky and shouted "I WOULD LIKE A PIZZA!" And then like two minutes later, one of the waitresses came up to us and said, "Did you guys order this pizza?" And I was like:

Then she realized that it was actually for a different table. DARN. But for one moment, I actually thought that the universe was listening.

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