Monday, July 11, 2011

Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Porter

Brew Week is this week, and the first item on the agenda was to drink some of the famous Willoughby Brewing Co. Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Porter before it sells out! Sisters with beers!

Bob & Megan with their Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Porters!

Vana and Joe with their Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Porters!

Yumi got a taster of the Neil House Brewery Cranberry Cider along with her Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Porter and it was SO, SO, SO GOOD!!

Megan got a whole one!

The bartender recommended mixing the two in one glass! I decided to be like Yumi and keep them separate though. That way I could have a sip of either OR a sip of both in my mouth at once! Which really was delicious.

Unicorn Pegasus!

Happy friends drinking beer!

Tom is in town this week, which gives us all mixed emotions. It's bittersweet!! We love having him here, but of course we're all so sad that he'll have to go away again soon. We miss you, Tom!

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