Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pesto and Magic

This weekend it was time for the annual ritual of pesto making. My basil has been glorious this summer, and it was time for me to hack it all down!

Aw. It looks so sad now. But I know it'll grow back strong and healthy again! Thank you, basil plants, for being so awesome!


Mmm, the whole house smelled like basil.

After making and freezing tons and tons of pesto, I made some grilled pizzas with the rest of it. These were the freshest, most summery grilled pizzas ever! With tomatoes from the farmer's market!

It was a lovely night, so we ate out on the deck.

Our cherry tomato plant is looking glorious TOO! Patio lights make everything look magical.

SPEAKING OF MAGIC, eating on the deck is ever so much more magical now than ever before, thanks to the addition of this fancy unicorn statue!

Many thanks to Joey for knowing that this unicorn would find a good home with me! Doesn't it look beautiful on our deck!?

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