Sunday, October 02, 2016

Congratulations, Jane & Aaron!

Jane and Aaron tied the knot this weekend at Uncle Buck's! A bunch of people got cabins at Lake Hope for the entire weekend, us included. Friday night, we headed over to Yumi's cabin to enjoy a fire! Pete helped her build this, it was AMAZING.

Our cabin!

We were excited, it was our first trip with Felix! He did great!

We made a quick trip back into Athens on Saturday, because we had a bunch of chores to do. We made the most of it by getting Miller's Chicken Super Chickens for lunch!

Then it was back out to Lake Hope for a hike before the wedding!

I barely took any photos all weekend. Here's Kate with kitty face paint!

Uncle Buck's all aglow with love.

Felix had a nice weekend, but by Sunday morning he was missing his couch back at home! He was READY. TO. GO. Aw.

Congratulations to Jane and Aaron! Cheers!

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