Saturday, December 17, 2016

Tracy and Tina's Holiday Party

It's everyone's favorite time of year, Tracy and Tina's Holiday Party! Here we are about to embark on the traditional Irish Car Bombs.




Wipe downs and high fives.

This is when I notice that Joey is STILL GOING. See my finger over to the right, subtly and politely pointing at him?

Then Tracy joins in with a NOT subtle point and LAUGH! Hahahaha.

Pointing and laughing. Joey! Joey! Joey!

Usually after the car bombs, the hats come off the wall. Me and Aaron. Blurry pictures, but great memories!

Bob and me and Aaron!

Kim, Joey, Kelly and Tina!

Ryan and Jane!

Oops, Joey had too much car bomb.

Bob and Megan...

... and Tracy!

Tracy wanted TJ to hold him like a little baby. Bob was the spotter!

Look how strong TJ is!

I was getting ready to leave, when Tracy learned that Ben had gone home long before the car bombs. So naturally, Tracy got out his phone to give Ben the heckling he deserved!

Ho ho ho! Another great holiday party at Tracy and Tina's. 'Til next year!

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