Saturday, July 08, 2017

Congratulations to Cheryl!

Today we gathered to celebrate Cheryl, who left NBIA after 27 and a half years. Tracy and Tina hosted a party for her, where we surprised her with a memory book. We all contributed photos and stories to the book.

Cheryl also got a boat this year, so naturally she needed a captain's hat! All of the photos in this set that are really great quality are courtesy of Dennis Powell (thanks, Dennis!).


Another surprise was JUDY!! We managed to keep it a surprise that Judy would be attending the party. Of course, there were lots of happy tears. Yay, Judy!


Who knows what TJ was saying to Randy and Cheryl? They both seem skeptical though.


NBIA crew!

Billie and Randy!

Dudes chatting in the sunshine.

Megan and me!

Not exactly sure what's happening here, but it looks wild.

TJ reflected in my shades.

Group photo! NBIA blood runs thick.

Bye, Randy!

When it started to get dark, we had a champagne circle. We passed around the blanc de blancs.

And we called Tom!! Hi, Tom!

Tom making everyone laugh. The usual.

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