Saturday, August 26, 2017

Congratulations, Kayla & Derrick!

Congratulations, Kayla and Derrick, on your wedding day! The wedding took place at Lake Hope Lodge, and the festivities kicked off last night with a pizza party at the shelter house. Proud brother Yang poses with the lovely bride-to-be!

Nancy, Kayla and Leda!

Pizza party!


The weather all weekend was perfection. It was mild and pleasant, plopped in the middle of an otherwise humid and steamy Ohio summer!

Party lights!


Joe, Vana, Moss and Kristin!

I love how the only managing to hold still is Vana.

What a lovely party!

Derrick and niece Ava!

Cheryl, Kayla and Dae!

Plus a couple of mischief makers.


Plus Dennis!

Look over there!

Dennis and Vana.

The photo booth fun lasted a long time!

The next morning, we got up early and enjoyed coffee. Lots to do to get ready for the big celebration!

We also managed to get Felix out on a hike. Look at him running up that hill like a mountain goat!

In the afternoon, we made our own bouquets.

We also had champagne and snacks as we got ready!

Kayla getting fancied up!

Look how pretty!!

Their gorgeous cake.

And the sweets table!

I hardly took any pictures during the wedding! I figured I'd leave that to the professional. But the reception hall looked lovely.

And the food was DELICIOUS!!

At the end of the evening we had a sparkler send-off!


It really was a perfect day. Congratulations to the beautiful couple, and welcome to the family, Derrick!

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