Sunday, November 26, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!! Ben and I were very lucky to be able to spend time with both of our families this year. Round one was at Moss and Kristin's house. Moss built that table himself! It was ready just in the nick of time.

It was a fun Thanksgiving challenge for the men to haul it inside.

Here it comes!

Round of applause! We ate some appetizers and had a beer with Ben's family, and then headed to Mer and Pete's to have dinner with my family.

We've been getting our rolls from Kelsey for several years now. They're always different, and they're always DELICIOUS. The best. Look at these golden beauties!


Sugared cranberries!

Kate and Mom stirring the gravy.

Thumbs up!


Dad was on a roll carving the turkey...

...until he cut his finger!


Pete had to take over. Luckily, he's good at it too! Pete and Kate had matching cranberry outfits on.

Ready for a feast.

We had Uncle Mark AND Uncle John in town for Thanksgiving this year. What a treat!



Delicious plate of Thanksgiving yum.

Uncle Mark entertaining us with stories.


Oh yes.

The next morning, we took Uncle Mark on a post-Thanksgiving hike at Strouds! Mom joined us too! It was a beautiful day. Look at how soft and green that moss is!

Tonight we all got together again for a night at Casa! Mom, Dad and Mark wore matching flannels. Triplets! It's been so fun having the uncles in town!

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