Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cabin Weekend plus Brew Choo Choo

This year, our annual college ladies cabin weekend happened to be the same weekend that Ohio Brew Week kicked off. Genius! Our cabin was in Nelsonville, which is where the Brew Choo Choo embarked on Friday night. What a great activity for ladies weekend! TOOT TOOT!

The Brew Choo Choo featured 50 West brewing company, which is great because I love 50 West!


Kara and Emily.

Me and Anne.

Jenny! And the conductor.

Coast to Coast! One of my favorite IPAs.

Toot toot!

Jenny! And the conductor.

We kept riding past fields with frolicking animals. Look at that frolicking deer!


Unicorn Pegasus time!

That's Del Hall, director of sales at 50 West. Also known as the guy who lost over 40 pounds by giving up beer for lent! #FAMOUS

These Brew Week cookies were delicious, but Kara was not a fan.

This is Monica! She was a stranger at the beginning of the ride, but a friend by the end. Toot toot!

This sign was hanging in our cabin. LOL. Four trees.

Saturday afternoon we headed into Athens. We checked out First Call, a new Brew Week event! Beers on the street outside of Casa.

Then we went to Casa for dinner, naturally!

I love these ladies!

After dinner, we headed back to the cabin for our traditional glitter cocktails. Mmm, sparkles.

Our activity for the night was a scientific alcoholic seltzer taste test. Seltz-Off!

We were very scientific about it. For science!

I was in charge of data entry.

Here is a link to the results.

I'm already looking forward to next summer!

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