Sunday, April 02, 2017

Cherry Blossoms with Dan, Elise, and Henry!

Ben and I went to the cherry blossom trees again this afternoon, this time to meet some very special guests! Cousin Dan was in town with Elise and Henry!

It was nice and warm. Perfect cherry blossom weather.

There were a lot of people there enjoying the blossoms.


Elise, Henry, and Cousin Dan! I was so happy that they came for a visit. This was my first time meeting Henry! Dan had never been to the cherry blossoms before, so that was exciting.

Hi, Henry!

Henry was VERY energetic so Dan kept coming up with assignments for him. A popular one was "Go pick up sticks!"

When he started to get bored of that, we upgraded it to "build a little bridge on the tree out of the sticks!"



Brother and sister.

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