Yumi made a roasted asparagus and ramp tart. Isn't it gorgeous?
Valerie made a fiddlehead salad from fiddleheads she harvested in her own woods! Don't they look just like little caterpillars?
Baby Gabrielle joined us!
Valerie also brought some morels that were harvested on her land. What a lucky day!
Yumi played with Gabby as the morels sizzled.
Mmm, fried in butter!
Since Planet Earth has more water surface than land, Summer committed to grilling a hefty amount of seafood. And she grilled it on a Himalayan salt block! That's super earthy!
Swordfish and scallops sizzling on the salt block.
Valerie served her fiddleheads with potatoes and smoked salmon, and a dilly dressing. She kept them separated in case anyone was turned off by the fiddleheads. I'm the only one who finished them ALL!
Mmm, looking good!
Summer served her seafood from a platter, along with a minty mango salsa!
Up next she grilled some meaty shrimp and some more scallops. Finger to serve as proportion for how meaty those shrimp are!! Way bigger than a finger!
Nancy made a rainbow power kale salad with peanut dijon dressing!
I made Smitten Kitchen's mushroom lasagna. Talk about earthy! This was so mushroomy delicious.
Smile, cooking club ladies!
Emily made an earth trifle. With chocolate cake for "dirt" and chocolate rocks inside! A delicious caramelly whipped cream layered throughout.
Isn't that just amazing?! It tasted amazing too!
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