After the hike, we headed to this great Hocking Hills cabin called The Merlot.
Kayla and I prepared a feast!
Kayla made her famous kale hummus boats!
I made a giant salad (the only size I know how to make) with strawberries, radishes, avocado, and sunflower seeds.
Kale hummus boats!
Amber found morels earlier that day and was so generous to share them with us! YUMMM!
I made two lasagnas. Butternut squash with spinach:
And sausage with mushroom:
Garlic bread!
Wiener cookies! A bachelorette party prerequisite.
Riley made these tea-baggin' naked men party favors, and Vana had to eat her dinner surrounded by them. Bachelorette!
Presents! Vana got lots of cute nighties!
The Merlot Cabin has a pool table! So after dinner we played some pool.
Bachelorette! Haha.
Go, Vana!
Heather is GOOD at pool.
Dance party!
Cards Against Humanity.
We all stayed up too late, and then woke up to a delicious bagel spread for breakfast the next morning.
Vana and Riley have matching makeup bags! TWINS!
Bye-bye, Merlot Cabin! Happy bacheloretteness, Vana!