Sunday, May 25, 2008


Dad and Mom surprised me this weekend and declared that they wanted to buy us a GRILL!! I have been wanting a grill super bad. We went to Lowe's together and picked out this bad boy:

Naturally, we had Mom and Dad over for a cookout that night! Mmm, Magic Hat Hefeweizen.

We enjoyed some cornhole in the back yard. Ben's getting blonde already!

Dad and Ben doing Popeye shadows.

The very first items ever to be grilled on the grill!

Dad giving me some new grill lessons.

MAGIC MIDDLES! Burgers with cheddar stuffed into the middle.

Vana made DELICIOUS deviled eggs.

Mmm! Cookout!


Dad enjoying his burger. THANKS FOR THE GRILL, DAD AND MOM!

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