This morning, Felix and I walked through Armory park, and they had hung all these cheerful flags across the path! So we did a little photo shoot.

Who is a handsome boy?

Felix is the most handsome boy!!

This morning, Felix and I walked through Armory park, and they had hung all these cheerful flags across the path! So we did a little photo shoot.
Who is a handsome boy?
Felix is the most handsome boy!!
This has been a really great spring for morel hunting! Michele and I went out last Wednesday and found a few.
Our bounty!
We brought them to Dad to cook for us. He's the master morel chef.
Basically we just like them fried up in some butter with salt and pepper! Sometimes a dusting of flour.
Simple and delicious!
Then on Saturday morning, I was out walking Felix and I stumbled upon this motherload. I wasn't even looking! I've never seen a clump like this before! I couldn't believe my eyes! And then I found another one nearby!!
I found all these out on my morning walk, not even really looking!! So lucky.
This time everyone got to have lots of tastes!
Inspired by my haul, Michele and I went out a third time this afternoon. And we found some more!
This time Michele cooked them up into a pasta sauce, which we enjoyed with her dad Joe and Scott. It was delightful! What a great morel season!