Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Mom made us these really awesome tote bags for Easter baskets! Kate got a Taylor Swift bag and the dogs got Taylor Swift bowties!

And my bag has unicorns on it with a sparkly purple interior!

A different magical unicorn on each side!

We got together at my house for dinner. I made Tikka Masala and raita, and Mom made a big salad!


Kate made carrot cake cupcakes for dessert.

They were so good that everyone at two!! Yum! Happy Easter indeed!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Felix in the Daffies

Every spring I like to walk Felix down to the daffodil fields. Look at how handsome he is!

Handsome good boy in the daffies!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

St. Patrick's Day Euchre

Today I hosted two tables of euchre for St. Patrick's Day! I can't think of a better way to celebrate.

I made Guinness cupcakes with Irish Cream frosting. Yum!!

I also made jalapeƱo poppers, guacamole, and black bean dip. Heather made inari sushi, Valerie made an asparagus tart, and Suzie made reuben dip! Yum!!