Today is Vana's birthday, and we had all been looking forward to a birthday potluck party tonight. But then we got hit with a major snow storm!!

Our power went out for a few hours, and we were afraid we'd have to cancel the party. But then the lights came back on just in time to bake a cake and the party was ON!! YAY! I made a chocolate cake with raspberry buttercream frosting.

Potluck food! I put out some Peeps in the hopes that people would eat them up before they got stale.

Cheryl brought chicken salad!

Cheryl and Vana made a green salad, and I made tortellini salad.

My mom made this baked shrimp recipe from this delicious seasoning that Pat brought us back from New Orleans. The result is a delicious buttery sauce and flavorful shrimp, and you sop up the extra sauce with some good crusty bread.


Time to dish up!


Vana and Cheryl!

Mmm! Kayla made this awesome super spicy soup! Moss made some egg, hummus and mushroom on toast appetizers.

After we ate, we hung out by the fire for awhile. Emma loves it!

Cheryl demonstrated some knife fighting techniques.

Time for some birthday car bombs!

CHEERS! I didn't get the memo that the pose we were doing was a "CHEERS!" shot, so there I am in classic party pose in front of everyone else, whoops.



Now the part where we all talk about how fun and delicious that just was.


Make a wish!

Yay, cake and ice cream!

Another round?