Happy New Year's Eve! I made Smitten Kitchen's mushroom lasagna. I split the recipe in two so I could deliver one to my folks for their NYE dinner.

It was delicious! One of my all time favorite recipes.

Happy New Year's Eve! I made Smitten Kitchen's mushroom lasagna. I split the recipe in two so I could deliver one to my folks for their NYE dinner.
It was delicious! One of my all time favorite recipes.
Merry Christmas! Look at how dapper Felix looks in his little Christmas bandana!! I love him.
Mer and I got Mom and Dad a Pork & Pickles crockpot meal subscription for Christmas. We figured this would be a fun pandemic activity! Here is the card that I made them:
Ben and I kicked off the morning with a hearty breakfast. Look at this scrambled eggs with red and green peppers! Christmassy!
We did a Zoom that morning to celebrate Christmas with my family and open presents!
Similar to Thanksgiving, we delivered dishes to each other so we could all enjoy a nice meal. I traditionally make wedge salads for Christmas, so I delivered wedge salad kits to everyone. YUM!
We all cooked the same main course at our houses. Smitten Kitchen's Southwestern Pulled Brisket. As tacos! Yum!!!
So good.
I made pecan pies again.
Look at that chocolate layer!
Packing up for pie distribution.
Mer made cranberry pie with Davis cranberries!
Christmas slippers!
Dad made a clock for Little Kate for Christmas, out of wood from the old Sycamore tree that used to be in their yard. He invented this fake company and bio, and had me help him make a certificate with some mountainy accents to include with the clock. It was so believable, it took awhile for Mer, Pete and Kate to catch on that Dad actually made it!!
I've been having lots of fire pits in my Solo Stove! Michele and Scott!
Mom and Dad!
And a special one on Christmas Eve Eve, guest starring cousin Danny!
One of the silver linings of the pandemic has been, if you play your cards right you just might end up getting to eat a freshly cooked porch breakfast made by Dad! Always hot and delicious.
Felix and Lucy like porch breakfasts too!
It's time to put up the Christmas tree!
My collection of unicorn and bunny ornaments is definitely growing!
Started this morning off with a great dog walk with Little Kate and Lucy! We stumbled upon this cute Passionworks Christmas display at Armitage Park.
Kate and I stopped mom and dad's porch for a Grandpa breakfast!! The best.
That evening we had a fire pit in the front yard. Look at Felix watching for incoming guests!
Happy Thanksgiving! This year, my family split up the work and delivered dishes to each other's households so we could all eat a complete Thanksgiving meal. I made cranberry sauce.
I also made Smitten Kitchen's Fairy Tale of New York syrup for cocktails.
I also made Smitten Kitchen's pecan pie.
With optional chocolate layer!
Ooooh look at that delicious gooey inside.
Dividing up pie for pie delivery!
I also made Smitten Kitchen's (are we sensing a theme here? lol) kale and caramelized onion stuffing.
We all cooked our own bacon-wrapped turkey breasts. My first time making anything like this!
Out delivering Thanksgiving meal components!
The bacon didn't stay wrapped very well, but the turkey DID taste delicious!! It was juicy and flavorful.
Ben and I shared a special rum barrel aged kombucha. Cheers!
Yum! With Brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes + gravy from Mer and Mom! So delicious.
Pumpkin pie from Mer and chocolate cake from Vana!