So many people to give unicorn pegasuses to! Aunt Sue!
Can you believe this was Kate's very first unicorn pegasus? What a special night!
Kate and Mom!
Kate asked if it would be okay if I drew the bodies and she drew the faces. I thought that sounded like an AWESOME PLAN. Go team!
Kate was really good at the faces!
Aunt Carla and Kate!
Dad, Mer, and Kate!
Dad, Mom, Mer and Kate!
Uncle Phillip!
Peter is very sensitive to needles, so Kate was extra gentle when drawing his unipeg's face.
Looking good!
Uncle Stephen!
Uncle Tom!
I REGRETFULLY REPORT that I somehow accidentally lost the photo that should have followed Uncle Tom, which was a wonderful photo of Cousin Dan. I don't know what happened?!?! But it makes me sad because it was a really good one. He and Uncle Tom were making the same exact face in their unipeg photos and the family resemblance was incredible. Anyway, letting go, moving on...
... to Jeremy!
And Abby! Emma is still too young, but someday she will get one!
Whoo! That was exhausting! What a productive evening!
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